
上一题: 13. ____ you speak, ____ your Engli...
下一题: 15.I enjoy ____ books in the librar...

14.Houyi, a capable archer, shot ____ nine of them to save the people and the earth.  





1.— If you play basketball on Saturday or Sunday, I'd like to play with you. How about this Saturday afternoon? — ____ I'm afraid I can't do it. That sounds great! I don't want to play with you.
4.— Oh, no! It's raining. We can't go skating on the square. — ____ Well done! What a shame! What a surprise!
2.He told me the thief ____ by the police. had been arrested have been arrested was been arrested
4.Please don't make So much noise. The baby ____ now. slept is sleeping sleeps
5.Social workers should learn how to ____ people. look at look into look after
10.Kate ____ if she can use Tom's bike. knows wanders wonders
12.Breaking ____ ice is a good way to make friends. the \ an
15.I enjoy ____ books in the library. read reading to read
Mid-autumn Day is for families to get together in China. People show their thanks for the year's harvest and pray for another year of good harvest. Moon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival. Mid-autumn Day was a harvest festival long time ago. The story goes as follows. Long time ago, there were 10 badly behaved suns in the sky. Houyi, a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth. The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wangmu, the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pill. When he came back home, he gave it to Chang'e, his wife asking her to keep it safe. While Houyi was away, an evil follower tried to steal the pill. Chang'e put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon. Houyi cried for the loss of his wife. He laid a table in his yard and put out some of Chang'e's favorite foods. Moon cakes are among them. People then followed and prayed to Chang'e, now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests. 选择题 1-1、Mid-autumn Day is for families to ___________ in China. A、get together B、have a dance C、go to parks 1-2、One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the_________. A、dumplings B、moon cake C、noodles 1-3、Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns? A、In order to be a hero. B、In order to have fun. C、In order to save the people and the earth. 1-4、Chang’e put the pill into her mouth because___________. A、an evil follower wanted to steal the pill B、she would never die after she ate the pill C、Houyi asked her to take the pill 1-5、Which of the following statements about Chang’e is not true? A、Moon cakes are among Chang’e’s favorite foods. B、Chang’e floated to the moon after she ate the pill. C、Chang’e was very selfish because she ate the pill.
1.Houyi cried for the loss of his wife. 后羿因失去妻子而哭泣。 后羿为失去妻子而呐喊。 后羿到处找寻妻子。
3.— I hope I can join your company when I graduate from Yale. — ____ Yes, I'm glad to meet you. Yes, you are good. You are definitely welcome.
5.— Hello, May I speak to Zhang Hua? — ____ ,I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment. OK, please wait Yes,I will ask him to answer the phone One moment, please
3.It offers help to people ____ are in need. whose which who
6.St. Valentine's Day is ____ every year on February 14. celebration celebrating celebrated
8.It's been a(n) ____ tradition ever since. People celebrate it every year. annual delicious crowded
9.I am ____ of your success in your joB. pride proud priding
2.They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do. 他们没喝醉,可以清楚地告诉他做什么。 他们喝得太醉以至于不能清楚地告诉他做什么。 他们喝得大醉,但还是可以清楚地告诉他做什么。
3.He is slim with a light complexion. 他人胖,肤色浅。 他人瘦肤色深。 他人瘦,肤色浅。
2.— Thank you for sharing this with me. — ____ Nothing. You can share, too. My pleasure!
1.His red face suggested that he ____ shy. was be were


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