
上一题: 15.I have worries that my audience ...
下一题: 1.Caring for the elderly is not an ...

1. It was anniversary and Ria was waiting for her husband to show up. After some years of marriage things changed between them. Once cute couple who couldn't live without each other now had turned bit bitter. Ria was waiting to see if Manoj remembered that it was their wedding anniversary. As the doorbell rang, she ran toward the door and opened it with a smile and a bunch of flowers to greet her husband. Both started to celebrate. Suddenly the phone in the bedroom rang. Ria went to pick it up. On call there was a man who said,“Hello ma'am I am calling from the police station. Is this Mr. Manoj Kumar number?" She replied, "Yes, it is!" “I am sorry mam but there has been an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet. Can you please come and identify the body?" the man replied. Ria was socked! "But my husband is with me here. How could this happen?" She thought to herself. She had read stories about souls returning to meet their loved ones after their death before it leaves. Her heart sank In fear she ran towards the other room to look for her husband. But he was not there. She said to herself. "I's true! He left me forever. Oh God I can die to have another chance to mend for every fight we had. I lost my chance forever." She fell on floor in pain. Suddenly there was noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Manoj came out and said, “Darling, I forgot to tell you this morning my handbag was stolen." Life might not give you second chance. Never waste any moment while you still have chance. Live today and enjoy every moment of life. 判断题 1.Ria and Manoj are ____ A. a couple B. friends C. colleagues 2.The police told Ria to ____ A. get the stolen money and the handbag B. find out if the dead was her husband C. pay for the bills in Manoj's handbag 3.Ria thought ____ after the policeman called her. A her husband was not dead yet B. her mother should come here C. Manoj's soul came back for her 4.What happened to Manoj that morning? A His soul came back for his loved before leaving. B. Mano's handbag was stolen that morning. C. Manoj's friend was wounded in the accident. 5.The last paragraph aims to ____ . A. tell a different ending of the story B. teach us how to celebrate marriage C. cast light on what this story means  


2.— I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep. — ____ The point is Yes, it's understandable. What's troubling you exactly? What do you think of the topic?
5. — Would you like to come to our party this weekend? — ____ Yes, it was an interesting party No, I'd like to I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend the party
3.We all tend to think that we are safe in our homes, but ____ , many homes are not as safe as they are supposed to be. hopefully unfortunately luckily
6. Your ability to expand your mind is the key ____ breaking any success barriers that may be in front of you. of to in
8.The impact of technology on modern life is immeasurable, ____ ? hasn't it won't it isn't it
10.That's part of the reason ____ I chose to study in the Open University. why how what
11.It says that China's cases of juvenile crimes are ____ . going up increasing up adding up
15.I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and ____ asleep. falling have fallen fall
1.Write a passage about an incident you've witnessed. You may follow the instruction given below. 1. Describe what happened exactly. 2. Pay attention to who, what, when, where, etC. the incident happened. 3. Offer your advice, if any, to people in similar situations.
3.— How do you feel about your family life? — ____ Good. It's a good choice to work there Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother Not bad. I have visited their family a lot of times
1.One of them threatened me with a knife ____ the other bound and gagged me. if although while
2.You must ____ it to the police, and give a detailed description of your bag. talk report speak
4.Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his ____ . reputation contribution expectation
1.Caring for the elderly is not an easy task, and there are no hard and fast rules on how it should be done. Here are some tips you can apply to make life easier and happier for both yourself and the elderly person in your care. Establish a Routine. Organize the performance of daily activities in a routine manner, so that they are performed in the same way and at the same time every day. This routine will establish a sense of structure and increase feelings of control and safety. However, this routine can be broken with unplanned events occasionally, as elderly people may find the routine structure too boring and restrictive. Get to Know Them. It is important that you get to know the elderly in your care, their daily habits, likes and dislikes, etC. The better you know the person, the higher quality of care you can provide. Treat Them with Respect. If elderty people do not have your respect, they will feel like they are being pushed around or asked to do things that they don't want to. This can lead to a bad relationship. By treating elderly persons in your care with respect, you can develop a strong bond with them. Besides, you can talk to them like adults, show your love and respect, which will not only make them feel good, but may also gain you their respect in return. Mental Stimulation. It is better to try to keep them occupied with challenging games, like crosswords or chess, which will keep their minds sharp. They like to discuss world events and their life histories with you. This will give the elderly people a feeling of self-worth and make them feel needed. Social Interaction. Organize and encourage social interaction. Remaining connected to other people and the world is important for the elderly. It helps the elderly feel more engaged. Encourage them to talk to other residents or participate in games, discussions or day trips. Help them to develop a strong relationship with' a neighbor. It is important for the elderly to talk to others and make friends. 判断题 1.The elderly people will always obey the routine structure. 2.We need to know the elderly people more to provide them with better care. 3.We needn't respect the elderly people when caring them. 4.Discussion can't make the elderly people feel needed. 5.It is necessary for the elderly people to make friends.
1. — The red dress fits me very much, doesn't it? — ____ You look very beautiful Yes, it does It is expensive
4.— David, are you OK? You look so nervous. — ____ You can try to be interactive with your audience Do 1? I'm going to deliver my speech tomorrow But I have no idea to make it interesting and funny
5.We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at a much ____ cost. low lower lowest
7.To tell you the truth, sometimes I regret ____ a baby so early. have having to have
9.It sounds like ____ for pupils and students. a good news a piece of good news a piece good news
12.At that time my wife took care of our children alone, and I seldom stayed at home ____ being very busy with work. Up to as to due to


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