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You will hear Susanna leaving a phone message for her mother. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice.   Susanna: Hi, Mum. This is Susanna. I know you’re going shopping this afternoon. Can you get something for me? I need a white T-shirt for the school tennis match tomorrow. We all have to wear white, and I haven’t got one. You can get them in Davey’s —that’s D AVE Y S — it’s a new shop in the High Street. It’s not far from the car park — you can go there before you go to the supermarket. You know the cinema? Well, it’s next to that. It’s easy to find. There are three sizes — small, medium and large. My old one was a small but I’m a lot bigger now, so could you buy me a large one, please? I hope you can get it — I can’t play in the match without it. It’s not expensive, it only costs eight pounds ninety-nine. I’ll give you the money tonight. Thanks a lot, Mum. See you later. Bye.


Listen to Jack and Mark talking about a new sports centre. Which sport can they do each day at the centre? For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each day. You will hear the conversation twice. Sports A. badminton B. basketball C. football D. golf E. hockey F. swimming G. tennis H. volleyballMark: Hello, Jack. You want to go to the sports centre one day a week, don’t you? Well, I’ve got some information. On Monday there’s golf. Jack: Mmm. I prefer volleyball, Mark. Also, Monday’s a bad day for me. Tuesday’s better. Is there volleyball then? Mark: It’s basketball, but you like that, don’t you? Jack: Quite. What can you do on Wednesday? Mark: Let’s see. It was badminton, but not enough people wanted to do it so it’s swimming now. That’s no good for me because I hate water. Jack: And I go swimming at school every Tuesday. Is there anything outside? Football or hockey? Mark: On Thursday. But they don’t do hockey, I’m afraid, just football. But look, Friday is good. Jack: Why? Mark: You say you like volleyball. Well, that’s at the sports centre then. Jack: Great. Mark: Or there’s Saturday. Jack: Swimming again? Mark: Tennis. That’s outside and you like it better than football, don’t you? Jack: Yes, but I like volleyball best.
Listen to Philip talking to a friend about his photography course. For questions 11-15, tick (√) A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice.What time do the photography classes begin?Friend: Hello, Philip. Are you doing a photography course? Philip: Yes, there wasn’t one at my college, Park College, so I go to City College in South Road. Friend: Are your classes in the evening? Philip: Yes, I finish at Park College at quarter past five and get home about six. The lessons start at quarter to seven. I have just enough time to eat. Friend: How much are they? Philip: My ten-week course is usually ninety-five pounds. But it costs me seventy-five pounds because I’m a student. There’s also a five-week course for fifty-five pounds. Friend: is it a good course? Philip: Yes, great. The cameras are rather old, but my photos are much better now, so I’m really pleased. I’ll never be a famous photographer though. Friend: I think taking photographs is difficult. Philip: Well, we did animals first and they’re certainly not easy. But then we took pictures of trees, and that wasn’t difficult. We’ll photograph children next. Friend: And after the course? Philip: There aren’t many jobs for photographers. It’ll be my hobby. I can use my father’s camera but I’ll have to buy a lot of film. 5.15 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 6.45 p.m.
You will hear a man making a telephone call. Listen and complete questions 16-20. You will hear the conversation twice. [*]lan: Hello, could I speak to Diana, please? Woman: She’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message? lan: Yes, please. Tell her that lan called from Head Office and we’ve booked her into the April Hotel for two nights. Woman: Which hotel? lan: The Aprii. You know, like the month. Woman: Oh, yes. lan: I’m sure she’ll like it. It’s on Leith Street. Woman: Could you spell that? lan: L E I T H. Leith Street. Woman: OK, I’ve got that. lan: Now, she knows where the meeting will be, but she doesn’t know the time. Tell her it will begin at twenty past ten and finish at four thirty. Woman: Right. lan: And could you tell her to take the book with her? She’ll know which one. I’m sure she’s finished reading it. Woman: OK — anything else? lan: Oh yes— please tell her I’ll take her to the factory on Tuesday and she can speak to Mr Brown on Wednesday morning. Woman: All right, I’ll make sure she gets the message. lan: Thanks very much.
You will hear Susanna leaving a phone message for her mother. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice. [*]Susanna: Hi, Mum. This is Susanna. I know you’re going shopping this afternoon. Can you get something for me? I need a white T-shirt for the school tennis match tomorrow. We all have to wear white, and I haven’t got one. You can get them in Davey’s —that’s D AVE Y S — it’s a new shop in the High Street. It’s not far from the car park — you can go there before you go to the supermarket. You know the cinema? Well, it’s next to that. It’s easy to find. There are three sizes — small, medium and large. My old one was a small but I’m a lot bigger now, so could you buy me a large one, please? I hope you can get it — I can’t play in the match without it. It’s not expensive, it only costs eight pounds ninety-nine. I’ll give you the money tonight. Thanks a lot, Mum. See you later. Bye.
What are they going to buy for Pam? [*]What are they going to buy for Pam? Man: Last year we gave Pam a book for her birthday. Shall we buy her another one this year? Woman: I think we should give her a plant or some chocolates. Man: But she doesn’t like sweet things! Woman: Let’s get her something to put in her garden, but not a book again!


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