
上一题: Which activity will the family do t...
下一题: • You will hear a teacher talking a...

How often does Sarah paint now?  Woman: Well, good evening everyone. I’ve come along to talk to you about my painting. It was just a hobby but it’s really more than that now. I used to paint in the evenings after work, but now I work four days a week instead of five. That means I spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday on my painting. I have pictures in local exhibitions at least once a month. I’d love to give up my job and spend all my time painting, but I work with computers and I earn more that way! I do make some money from selling my pictures, enough to pay for all my paint, brushes and paper and a few art lessons. I’d love to go to art college full-time for three years, but I’ve got all the rent on my fiat to pay and a car to run. I first became interested in art when I was at primary school. I used to go out with some paper and a few pencils during break time and draw anything I saw: houses, gardens, people. Then at secondary school we had art classes twice a week, and I learnt how to use chalk and then different kinds of paint: water colours, oils and so on. Those classes were really useful for me, and ever since then I’ve had lessons of some kind. I’ve attended evening classes and been on what they call painting ’holidays’, where you go out into the countryside and paint during the day and then sit and discuss your work with a teacher and the other artists after dinner. Those holidays are great; you learn so much talking to other people studying with you. I’ve enjoyed painting in lots of different countries. I’ve been to Morocco and painted desert scenes with beautiful sunrises. I’ve been to Greece and Spain and painted pictures of the local people working in the fields near their homes. My favourite place is still Scotland. I love walking in the Scottish mountains, and there are so many different birds to see, especially in spring. Well, I’m going to finish now by showing you a video of the places I’ve visited. After that there’ll be a chance to relax with a cup of coffee and then there’ll be time for some questions. Oh, and I’ve got some information about my next art exhibition for you. It’s going to be at the Queen’s Gallery. Now, if someone would turn off the lights ...

A.three days a week

B.five days a week

C.every evening

Sarah earns enough money from her painting to  

A.give up her computing job.

B.pay for her flat and car.

C.pay for her artist’s materials.

When she was at primary school, Sarah  

A.painted pictures of people.

B.learnt to use chalk.

C.drew scenes in pencil.

What pleased Sarah most about her painting holidays?  

A.meeting other artists

B.seeing beautiful scenery

C.receiving individual teaching

Which of these has Sarah done?  

A.painted people in Greece

B.painted sunrises in Scotland

C.watched birds in Spain

After watching Sarah’s video, the audience will  

A.fill in a questionnaire about the talk.

B.look round an art exhibition.

C.have a break and a drink.


Which activity will the family do this year? [*]One. Which activity will the family do this year? Woman: We’re going to try an activity holiday this year, but we all want to do something different. The children want to go cycling but their father wants to go on a water sports holiday, you know, sailing and windsurfing, things like that. And I’d like to go walking. We all want to go together so we’ve decided to let the children choose this year, and we’ll choose next year.      
How often does Sarah paint now?Woman: Well, good evening everyone. I’ve come along to talk to you about my painting. It was just a hobby but it’s really more than that now. I used to paint in the evenings after work, but now I work four days a week instead of five. That means I spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday on my painting. I have pictures in local exhibitions at least once a month. I’d love to give up my job and spend all my time painting, but I work with computers and I earn more that way! I do make some money from selling my pictures, enough to pay for all my paint, brushes and paper and a few art lessons. I’d love to go to art college full-time for three years, but I’ve got all the rent on my fiat to pay and a car to run. I first became interested in art when I was at primary school. I used to go out with some paper and a few pencils during break time and draw anything I saw: houses, gardens, people. Then at secondary school we had art classes twice a week, and I learnt how to use chalk and then different kinds of paint: water colours, oils and so on. Those classes were really useful for me, and ever since then I’ve had lessons of some kind. I’ve attended evening classes and been on what they call painting ’holidays’, where you go out into the countryside and paint during the day and then sit and discuss your work with a teacher and the other artists after dinner. Those holidays are great; you learn so much talking to other people studying with you. I’ve enjoyed painting in lots of different countries. I’ve been to Morocco and painted desert scenes with beautiful sunrises. I’ve been to Greece and Spain and painted pictures of the local people working in the fields near their homes. My favourite place is still Scotland. I love walking in the Scottish mountains, and there are so many different birds to see, especially in spring. Well, I’m going to finish now by showing you a video of the places I’ve visited. After that there’ll be a chance to relax with a cup of coffee and then there’ll be time for some questions. Oh, and I’ve got some information about my next art exhibition for you. It’s going to be at the Queen’s Gallery. Now, if someone would turn off the lights ... three days a week five days a week every evening
• You will hear a teacher talking about a camping trip. • For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. Camping Trip Coach leaves school at (14) __________ on Monday morning. Bring: * one bag or case a (15) __________ warm clothes (16) __________ things pocket money to spend on souvenirs and (17) __________ Catch a bus outside (18) __________ to Southport. Friday p.m.: Check notice board in (19) __________Man: Thank you all for coming. I’m going to give you the final details of our camping trip next week. You may like to make some notes as there’s a lot to remember. The coach will be outside the school on Monday morning at 7:30 and we will set off at 7:45 so don’t be late. There’ll be room on the coach for one bag each so please don’t bring more than one bag or suitcase. You don’t need to bring tents or food as that’s all provided for us, but you will need to bring a sleeping bag. It turns cold at night so bring some warm clothes too. If we’re lucky though, the sun will shine and we’ll be able to use the outdoor pool on the site so don’t forget your swimming things. On to pocket money — please don’t bring too much. We can’t keep a lot of money safe. £5 per day should be plenty so you can buy souvenirs and drinks while we are out visiting places. You will probably also want to bring some extra money for the last day when you are free. The campsite is in the middle of the countryside so if you’ve had enough fresh air by then, you may want to go shopping in the nearest town about eight miles away. That’s Southport. There’s plenty to do there and there’s a bus that stops outside the Post Office in the village down the road. I’ll point it out to you when we get there. On Friday afternoon, before you leave college, please look at the notice board in the entrance hall as there may be some changes to the arrangements which I need to tell you about. Now, has anyone got any questions?
• Look at the six sentences for this part. • You will hear a conversation between a teenage girl called Anna and her father about a party. • Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.Anna begins by asking her father to collect her from the party.Girl: Are you busy Dad? I’ve got something I want to ask you. I’ve been invited to a party on Saturday. Would you give me a lift there? Man: Where is the party then? Girl: It’s at Tom’s house. His sister is 18 on Saturday, and they’re having a big celebration. It’s going to be brilliant. They’re having a disco and Tom’s Mum’s a wonderful cook, so the food will be good. They’ve invited all their friends from school but their cousins will be there too. Man: Well, I hope the weather stays warm so you can be outside. It sounds as if a lot of people are coming. But it all sounds fine to me. It’ll be nice for you to go out at the weekend. You spend too much time at home studying. Now, what time does the party start and what time does it finish? Girl: It starts at eight o’clock and finishes about half past twelve. But Jane’s going as well, and her Dad will collect us and bring us home afterwards. It’s all arranged. Man: Mmm ... it’ll be difficult for us to take you. Mum and I are going to see a film which starts at 7:15. Let’s see. Why don’t we collect you and Jane at the end of the party? Then you could ask Jane’s Dad to take you both to the party at eight. Girl: I’m sure that’ll be fine. I’ll go and give Jane a ring. Man: Just one thing though — we’ll pick you up at 11:30. I really think that’s late enough. Girl: Oh Dad! That’s so early. Remember we don’t have to go to school on Sunday! Don’t make us leave an hour before everyone else. Man: Well, I suppose it is the weekend. Let’s say midnight. But definitely no later. Girl: But ... Man: That’s my final decision! Now go and ring Jane before I change my mind! Girl: Okay. 正确 错误


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